Friday, December 12, 2008

An Evening w/ Stephen Lunsford

Based on the 2005-2006 interviews with the cast and crew of Power Rangers SPD I conducted for Rangerboard, I was asked to do an interview with KRDK charmer STEPHEN LUNSFORD on behalf of Henshin Justice Unlimited

Stephen plays the lead character Kit Taylor in The CW's upcoming live-action series Kamen Rider Dragon Knight

The interview should be up and available within the week! I'll make sure to post a link here as soon as it becomes available. It should be fun!

While KRDK doesn't formally premiere until January, The CW will be airing a special sneak preview tomorrow morning (Saturday, Dec. 13th). Check your local listings for times!

New Logo?

Realistically, I'm probably going to be stuck with this layout for awhile.

However, if anyone is interested in coming up with a logo for "The Quispy Chronicle," I'd be open to submissions! :)

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Note to Santa

LaCie 301199U Big Disk Extreme+ 1 TB Firewire800/Firewire400/USB 2.0 with RAID External Hard Drive

Right now, I've only got a 250 GB External HD and there's only about 10 gigs left. PREASE SANTA!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Some Unfinished Business

I'm working on (finally) get my Production 2 films - HEADSTONE and COGNOMINIS - transferred into a digital format. If things work out the way I'm hoping, they should be uploaded by at least the weekend. Cross your fingers!

I shot both 16mm short films at Columbia College back in Spring 2006. Unlike ONLY ONCE - which was both black-and-white and silent - these films were shot using color film. We also edited them digitally, using post-synch sound. 

So check back soon!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Anatomy of a Soulless Supervillain

MAGE is the evil ancient-warrior-turned-archenemy of the multi-colored heroic guardians of the Earth Realm in CELESTIAL FURY, my 100% NOT-FOR-PROFIT Power Rangers fan-film

Mage is played by actor/model/writer/director/sometimes producer (show-off...) and friend Brant Daugherty, who did double-duty on Celestial Fury as my Co-Producer. Brant and I co-founded DIAPASON CREATIVE, our creative group and sometimes production company. He's extremely dedicated and an all-around great guy to work with.

Photo by another friend, photographer Adam Bouska

He's worked on all of my projects to date in some capacity, varying from lead actor to cinematographer (COGNOMINIS, 2006) to 2nd AD (VOLUNTARY). You'll likely see/hear much of him on the blog in the future.  I see big things for him in the future, so make sure to watch out for him!

It took a lot of effort (and a good chunk of the budget!) to bring MAGE to life. Here's a fun behind-the-scenes look at how some of that process took place. As usual, CLICK each photo for a larger version.

Though Brant was a Co-Producer in Pre-Production, we made sure that while we were shooting he focused completely on his role. He was called into make-up at the production office over an hour before any other cast member, usually around 5am.

Make-Up artist Sylwia Krol works on applying Mage's latex forehead. Brant began his mornings by putting in his "evil" contacts before Dawn Subhasiriwatana (say that ten times fast) and her make-up assistants got to work.

Here the crew is setting up for the Special/Visual FX  that kicks off the first fight between Duncan (Matt McCormick) and Mage. 

After giving Brant some notes, we rehearse the shot. He is going to essentially move into position and, as he does, his cloak and sword disappear into particles of energy. Awesome, right?

To pull off the shot, Brant must move into his position - FREEZE! - have his cloak/sword removed while he stays completely still - UNFREEZE! - and resume his action as if he'd never stopped moving. The result? Fun VFX!

After rehearsing the shot, the make-up and wardrobe ladies jump in to prepare for the take.

The cast and crew clear the shot and settle for a take. 

Dawn does some last-minute touches on Brant before we throw his cloak back on and try the shot.

During the take, wardrobe and myself fly in and grab his sword and cloak. 

A hint at the final result?

It's hard to tell just by the still, but take my word for it when I say that the shot looks incredible in HD. The shot came out great!

You'll have to wait a little while longer for that though. Right now, we're aiming for a Spring 2009 release - the earlier the better!

And on that note...

Sorry Brant. I had to do it. 

Celestial Fury was shot in May/June 2007.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Introducing: Voluntary

Back at the end of June 2008, I wrote and directed a short titled VOLUNTARY as part of Columbia College Chicago's Semester in LA Directing Program.

As part of our 5 week intensive semester at Raleigh Studios in Hollywood, each of us were given the chance to professionally shoot our own shorts on the brand new RED camera. 

HUGE props go out to Emily F. Adams, my dedicated and amazing Production Designer, as well as Ashley Capps for the great costuming!

Below are some behind-the-scenes photos from the shoot, as well as some screen captures from my actual footage. CLICK each thumbnail for a larger resolution!

Director Christopher Hayden rehearsing with leads Mark Cirillo (CODY) and Darcy Martin (JENNIFER).

Kyle Smith (Art Department) wets down the walls in preparation for a take.

Lining up the next shot. Those black disposable tips were by far the most difficult aspect of production to secure.

Kyle Smith and Jessica Greske (Art Department) bring the hallway set to life.

Michael White as DR. COLLINS

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Introducing: Celestial Fury

7,000 years after the Ancient Furies are destroyed, their mystical bloodlines once again come into a powerful alignment. 

GRANT CARSON (Brad Bukauskas) is chased down by the evil MAGE (Brant Daugherty).

The activation of the Ancient Fury Phones frees MAGE, a soulless and powerful warrior who once fought on the side of the Ancient Furies. Driven by revenge, he hunts the Furies' modern-day descendants, attempting to enslave them to his own twisted mission. 

L to R: SEAN (John Ryan Murphy), LINDSEY (Amanda Krumrei), DUNCAN (Matt McCormick), 
MILES (Ty Golde), and MAC (Serra Geris) stand together.

LINDSEY, DUNCAN, and SEAN are sent reeling when teammates GRANT and AMBER are killed by Mage, leaving rookie replacements MAC and MILES in their place. 

SYREEN (Valeria Dombrovschi) lurks.

Now, with the help of the undead SYREEN and his secret weapons, Mage prepares for a massive attack. If he succeeds in securing five living Fury souls, he will have the power to unleash his evil army on the world.

Guided by YORIK, their disembodied mentor, the unlikely heroes must put aside their doubts and differences in order to save themselves and unleash their Celestial Fury powers.


Above is the summary and one-sheet for CELESTIAL FURY, the 100% not-for-profit Power Rangers fan-film I've had in development since October or November of 2004. We premiered a rough cut of the film in June 2007 as a part of PowerMorphicon, the 1st Ever Power Rangers Convention. 

I've been pushing it through various stages of post since, and am slowly but surely progressing toward that light at the end of the tunnel. I'll be posting periodical behind-the-scenes and before-after pictures comparing frames from the original cut of the film to the brand new footage.

ONLY ONCE - Now on YouTube!

My 16mm silent black-and-white short ONLY ONCE has finally been uploaded to YouTube.

I shot this film for my Production 1 final in Spring 2005. The film crew largely consisted of just (lead actor) Brant Daugherty and myself, shooting this film for a total of 5 days over 4 weeks.

We shot on location in Chicago between the 7th floor hallways in the film building at Columbia College and my first apartment in Chicago on Halsted.

The film went on to be nominated as one of the five finalists for the Fall 2005 Take 1 Film Festival, a bi-annual festival showcasing ten of the best films of the previous semester. ONLY ONCE received the Jury Award, the highest honor in its category (Production 1).

In November 2006, ONLY ONCE won 3rd Place at Columbia College's 1st Annual Queer Film Prize. Of the seven finalists, we were the only black-and-white / silent film.

The Beginning

Welcome to my career blog!

In an attempt to better connect with other artists and friends around the world, I've decided to use this blog to chronicle the developments of my budding career as a filmmaker.

This blog will include exclusive updates and media on my upcoming projects, as well as various other projects I've already begun or been involved with!