Monday, December 8, 2008

Introducing: Voluntary

Back at the end of June 2008, I wrote and directed a short titled VOLUNTARY as part of Columbia College Chicago's Semester in LA Directing Program.

As part of our 5 week intensive semester at Raleigh Studios in Hollywood, each of us were given the chance to professionally shoot our own shorts on the brand new RED camera. 

HUGE props go out to Emily F. Adams, my dedicated and amazing Production Designer, as well as Ashley Capps for the great costuming!

Below are some behind-the-scenes photos from the shoot, as well as some screen captures from my actual footage. CLICK each thumbnail for a larger resolution!

Director Christopher Hayden rehearsing with leads Mark Cirillo (CODY) and Darcy Martin (JENNIFER).

Kyle Smith (Art Department) wets down the walls in preparation for a take.

Lining up the next shot. Those black disposable tips were by far the most difficult aspect of production to secure.

Kyle Smith and Jessica Greske (Art Department) bring the hallway set to life.

Michael White as DR. COLLINS

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